Thursday, September 7, 2017

DACA questions

1.       What does DACA stand for?
2.       What president enacted DACA?
3.       How many people are enrolled in the federal DACA program?
4.       What 5 states have the most enrollees? Name of state and number enrolled
5.       What article/section/clause of the Constitution covers immigration?
6.       Do you believe that the president from #2 had that authority to sign the DACA order? Why/why not?
7.       Do you believe that President Trump has the authority to over turn the previous Executive Order? Why/Why not?
8.       What does President Trump mean in this quote “But we must also recognize that we are nation of opportunity because we are a nation of laws” as it applies to repealing DACA?
9.       President Obama also had an Executive Order called DAPA. What was this program and why was it found unconstitutional by the courts?
10.   What does President Trump mean by this quote when referencing DACA “There can be no path to principled immigration reform if the executive branch is able to rewrite or nullify federal laws at will”?
11.   What does amnesty mean when applied to immigration? Has amnesty been granted in the U.S. recently? (cough cough…1980s…cough) Should people that have bypassed the immigration system be granted amnesty? Why/Why not?
12.   What does President Trump mean by this quote when referencing DACA “…in effect, I am not going to just cut DACA off, but rather provide a window of opportunity for Congress to finally act”?
13.   What is this window that President Trump speaks of?
14.   Do you agree with this order by President Trump to the Justice Department: “I have advised the Department of Homeland Security that DACA recipients are not enforcement priorities unless they are criminals, are involved in criminal activity, or are members of a gang.” Why/Why not?
15.   Do you agree or disagree with this statement. Why or why not: Before we ask what is fair to illegal immigrants, we must also ask what is fair to American families, students, taxpayers, and jobseekers.
16.   Do you agree with this statement. Why or why not? “Under a merit-based system, citizens will enjoy higher employment, rising wages, and a stronger middle class”
17.   Is this our government’s highest priority: “Our first and highest priority in advancing immigration reform must be to improve jobs, wages and security for American workers and their families.”
18.   Do you believe Congress can get legislation done? “It is now time for Congress to act!” Explain your position.