Monday, September 18, 2017

15% tax rate articles and questions

15% tax rate

Flat tax

What is the Federal corporate tax rate currently set at?

When ranking countries based on their corporate tax rate, where does the U.S. tax rate stand in comparison? Is this good or bad? For who is this good or bad for?

How much does the U.S. government collect in tax revenue from corporations and businesses annually?

What is corporate inversion?

Find 3 major companies that have moved out of the U.S. in the last 10 years. How much did those companies save in tax revenue by moving?

How much corporate wealth is sitting in off shore accounts according to President Trump?

What is President Trump's plan to bring this money back to the U.S.?

Is this a good plan or not? Why?

Do you think lowering the corporate tax rate is a good idea? Why or why not?

What rate do you think U.S. corporations and businesses should be taxed at? Same, less, or more? Why?

What is the California tax rate for businesses and corporations?

Find 3 major companies that have left California for a new state. What is the tax rate in the states that these companies moved to?

How hard is it to escape California tax bills:

Real or fake news?