Monday, October 23, 2017

Civics 1st Amendment Paper codes

1st: 11160187

3rd: 10652061

5th: 10652089

password for all classes: president

And you thought you were just doing court cases.

From the Court cases you chose to review, you will choose one to write about in an informative paper.


Choose one court case from your assignment
In a 2 page 500 word essay, you will inform the reader on how this court case impacted the United States for good or bad. The basic structure of the paper should look like this in MLA format:

Thesis statement
Summary of the facts with the question that the Supreme Court was asked to solve.
Why the court decided the way it did.
Impact of this court case. How did society change, what changed, why was this a good/bad change for the U.S.? You must have 3 legitimate sources for this part of the essay.
Summary. In the summary you will put your opinion on the changes made by this Supreme Court decision. You may use first person for the last paragraph as I am asking for your opinion.

This will  be a assignment codes will be given at a later date
Do not use Wikipedia

Due date will be 10/27/17 at 3:30 p.m.

Points will be deducted for any of the following:

Fatal flaws
Text speech (i, u, ur) This one has a good diagram on how to make a claim and then back up your claim.  youtube video for those that are more into visuals.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

AP 2nd and 6th period 2nd Amendment assignment

2nd Amendment
Democide: the killing of civilians by their own government. It has been estimated that in the last 100+ years close to 260 million people have been killed by their own governments. Food for thought: what keeps the U.S. government from turning on its own people?

Wounded Knee: 150-300 members of the Sioux tribe were killed by U.S. troops. It is believed that the shooting started when a tribe member refused to hand over his rifle and in the struggle for the rifle a shot was fired. codes for 2nd and 6th periods

Use this email to find Mr. Holmes:
2nd period code: 10652049
6th period code:  10704393
password: president (same for both classes)

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

Part I

  1. Who is the primary author of the 2nd Amendment?
  2. Why were the Bill of Rights added to the Constitution?
  3. In the context of the 18th century when the 2nd was written, what does “regulated” mean? Has the word changed in context over time or does it still mean the same? Why?
  4. Look up militia and U.S. Federal law. Under U.S. Federal law what constitutes the militia?
  5. What does semi-automatic mean when applied to firearms? What does automatic mean when applied to firearms?
  6. Can U.S. citizens own automatic weapons? Can manufactures of firearms sell automatic weapons to the public?
  7.  What does the term “assault weapon” really apply to: semi, auto, or both?
  8. What is the difference between a pistol and a revolver?
  9. When it comes to concealed carry of a pistol or revolver how many states are what are known as Constitutional carry states?
  10. What does Constitutional carry mean? What are 3 requirements in order to Constitutional Carry in the state of Arizona?
  11. How many people are estimated to have concealed carry licenses in the U.S.?
  12. What did Senator Feinstein of CA recently say about her constituents and concealed carry? Is she right or wrong in her belief?
  13. How many have concealed carry permits in Los Angeles county? What is the difference between “may” issue and “shall” issue when it comes to concealed carry permits?
  14. In your opinion, does the 2nd Amendment allow for concealed carry? Why or why not?
  15. In the 2016 presidential campaign, Secretary Hillary Clinton said the Supreme Court got the Heller decision wrong. In District of Columbia vs Heller what did the Supreme Court say the 2nd Amendment guarantees when it comes to the right to possess a firearm?
  16. Do you agree with the Supreme Court decision or Hillary Clinton?
  17. In McDonald vs City of Chicago, what did the Supreme Court rule when applying the 2nd Amendment to states and localities?
  18. Many people will say that the 2nd amendment only covers firearms in existence during the time of the writing of the Constitution. What did the Supreme Court rule in this matter in the case of Caetano vs Massachusetts?
  19. There are some that believe the 2nd amendment is a collective right and not an individual right? What is a collective right? What is an individual right? What does the 2nd amendment fall under in your opinion?
  20. The word “people” shows up in the 2nd and 4th Amendment. Who are these people that the Constitution speaks of? Is the 4th amendment a collective right or an individual right? Has this question caused you to change your answer to question 18? Why or why not?
  21. Michael Moore, a Hollywood film director, recently made a proposal to change the 2nd amendment. Find this on line and read this proposal. What parts of this change do you agree with? What do you disagree with? Why?
    Part II
  22. The Congress has voted on Michael Moore’s proposal and 2/3rds of both Houses have voted to send the proposed 28th Amendment to the states where 38 must vote yes to ratify. Currently, 49 states have voted  on this proposal with 37 yes and 12 no votes. The last state to vote will be the state of Arizona. Arizona is a Constitutional Carry state. Your task is to write an informative essay to the people of the state of Arizona where you will take one side or the other to convince the voters to vote yes or no. A yes vote means the amendment passes. No means it does not pass. As you break down the proposed Amendment you will explain how, based on your pro or con stance, the following parts of the proposal will either benefit or hurt the people of Arizona. If you are a pro stance a-e will help the people of Arizona. If you take a no stance this proposed amendment will hurt the people of Arizona:
    1. “in times of need”
    2. “the strictly regulated right of the people”
    3. “a limited number of non-automatic Arms for sport and hunting”
    4. “to be free from gun violence”
    5. “this shall not be infringed”
      Define what each part of a-e means to your side. Inform the voter how this will help/hurt the state of Arizona. You must have a valid source to back up your information in each of the above areas.
      Once you take a pro/con side you must stick with that side throughout the essay.
      This will be a assignment.


“A well regulated State National Guard, being helpful to the safety and security of a State in times of need, along with the strictly regulated right of the people to keep and bear a limited number of non-automatic Arms for sport and hunting, with respect to the primary right of all people to be free from gun violence, this shall not be infringed.”

Link to informative essay writing.

Yes, you will need a thesis statement.
Which side you take is entirely up to you. The main issues is that you will conduct the research needed to back your position up and then properly develop an informative essay

Thursday, October 5, 2017

1st Amendment Supreme Court Cases Project grade

There are 5 parts to the first amendment. Your assignment is to find 5 important Supreme Court cases that deal with each part. 5x5=25 total cases

This will count as a project grade.



Case name
Date heard/decided
Issue/Facts of the case
Question asked the Supreme Court
Decision made by the court
Why the court decided this way
Impact on American society


Religion #1

Case name: Smith vs Jones
Date: 1999
Issue/Facts of case: Smith borrowed Jones' lawnmower and refused to give it back. Jones sued under the 5th amendment Eminent domain clause to get his lawnmower back because Smith was a member of the local city government.
Question asked the SC: Does the Eminent Domain clause of the 5th amendment apply to government officials even if they are acting as a private citizen when borrowing property and not returning said property?
Decision made: No. The Supreme Court ruled that this case was the dumbest thing that they had ever heard. Eminent Domain only applies to government officials when said official is acting in their official capacities.
Impact on society: Both parties were thrown out of the Supreme Court building and told to never come back. This impacted society because no one ever filed a silly court case ever again. (This never really happened so don't even think of using this example as a real case)

The impact on society will require you to do some research. Start with the name of the court case and impact on society. See what you come up with.

Monday, October 2, 2017

Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico: real or Fake News?

1. What hurricane recently hit Puerto Rico (PR)?

2. What Category storm was this hurricane?
3. What is FEMA?
4. What is the mission of FEMA?
5. What is the Jones Act? What has been done about the law? Will this help or hurt recovery efforts?
6. Who is the mayor of San Juan, PR?
7. What were some of the comments made by the mayor about aid being given to PR?
8. What items were behind the mayor when she gave this news conference?
9. What message did the mayor have on her shirt at one of her news conferences? If PR is basically destroyed, where did the shirt come from? You can use the internet to speculate on this question.
10. As of Sunday, October 1st, how many FEMA meetings has this mayor made?
11. Who is the terrorist the mayor has honored? Who had this terrorist killed?
12. What did a neighboring cite mayor say about San Juan’s mayor?
13. How many Navy and Coast Guard ships have been sent to PR?
14. What is the USNS Comfort? Was it really necessary to send this ship to PR?
15. How many helicopters were sent to PR?
16. How much money has been allocated so far for relief efforts in both PR and the Virgin Islands?
17. When the National Guard was activated in PR how many showed/didn’t show percentage wise?
18. Did union truck drivers refuse to report to work to transport relief supplies? Real or Fake news? Explain.
19. Find a transcript that covers what a police officer said about the mayor and government officials in this crisis. Real or fake news? Why?
20. Who is heading the FEMA operations in PR? What have they said about the recovery efforts as it applies to roads, power grid, airports and hospitals?
21. As of today, how many hospitals are running at full operations in PR?
22. As of today, who is the highest Trump administration official to have visited PR after the hurricane?
23. When is President Trump scheduled to visit PR?
24. President Trump was accused of not knowing the PR’s are Americans. Is this real or fake news? Where did this accusation originate from? Cough cough… cough cough
25. A former Clinton official, Paul Krugman, made the claim on twitter that a dangerous disease had hit PR. What disease was running rampant in PR according to Krugman?
26. Was this disease claim real or fake news? Find the tweet made by this Nobel Prize winning economist. How many likes and retweets did this message get? Was a retraction made? How many likes and retweets did this retraction, if made, get?
27. Overall, do you think the government is doing enough to help out the citizens of PR? Explain.

Monday, September 25, 2017

Single Payer

Single Payer health care

  1. Define single payer health care
  2. Which political party is pushing the idea of single payer health care as an election issue? Why?
  3. List 5 prominent politicians from the above political party that believe in single payer health care. Which of these politicians might run for president in 2020?
  4. Do you believe that single payer health care will be a defining issue in both the 2018 mid term elections and the 2020 presidential election? Why or why not? (don't give me a fake answer)
  5. What is another term for single payer health care? (_________ for All) See Bernie Sanders.
  6. List 5 major countries that have this type of health care system. Does this system work in their country? Why?
  7. How much would it cost the United States to pay for single payer? Is this worth the cost?
  8. Outside of politicians, who (groups) supports single payer? Who or what groups are against? Find 3 for each and then explain why they stand for or against single payer.
  9. Would the average American see an increase or decrease in taxes under single payer? How much =/-?
  10. Who would be eligible for single payer? Only citizens or everyone? Why?
  11. Where do you stand on the issue of single payer? Why?
  12. Would you be more likely to vote for a politician that supported or was against single payer? Why?
  13. When looking at your top 5 issues that concern you as a future voter, where does health care fall? Does it make your top 5? Why or why not?
  14. Is health care a right or a privilege? Why?
  15. Why should tax payers pay for someone else's health care costs?

Monday, September 18, 2017

15% tax rate articles and questions

15% tax rate

Flat tax

What is the Federal corporate tax rate currently set at?

When ranking countries based on their corporate tax rate, where does the U.S. tax rate stand in comparison? Is this good or bad? For who is this good or bad for?

How much does the U.S. government collect in tax revenue from corporations and businesses annually?

What is corporate inversion?

Find 3 major companies that have moved out of the U.S. in the last 10 years. How much did those companies save in tax revenue by moving?

How much corporate wealth is sitting in off shore accounts according to President Trump?

What is President Trump's plan to bring this money back to the U.S.?

Is this a good plan or not? Why?

Do you think lowering the corporate tax rate is a good idea? Why or why not?

What rate do you think U.S. corporations and businesses should be taxed at? Same, less, or more? Why?

What is the California tax rate for businesses and corporations?

Find 3 major companies that have left California for a new state. What is the tax rate in the states that these companies moved to?

How hard is it to escape California tax bills:

Real or fake news?