Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Civics Narative Essay Signers of the Constituon

Narrative Essay
Minimum 2 pages or 500 words
MLA format with your information (name, teacher, class, date) single spaced. Title is your signer's name. Double space but do not "double" double space between paragraphs.  
Write your essay in first person as if it is an autobiography.

Write your essay as if you are interviewer using a question and answer format. Questions must be detailed.

Your essay:

  1. Background. Born, lived, died, went to school, was married, had kids, and had a job.
  2. Before: April 1787 and earlier. Important accomplishments. Tell me why, what happened, impact then. WHY were they sent to Philadelphia?
  3. During: May-September 1787. What committees did they belong on. What was committed supposed to accomplish, did accomplish? Speeches given? Any part of the Constitution that is attributed to your signer? Where did they stand on the New Jersey Plan or Virginia Plan? Why? Where did they stand on the issue of slavery?
  4. After: October 1787 until death. What important jobs did they hold after Philadelphia Convention? What did they accomplish? Impact of their achievements in those jobs. Judges, government officials, Presidents, governors, ambassadors, vice presidents, House, and senate. These signers, with few exceptions, run the country for the next 20-25 years.
  5. Summary: If writing as an autobiography then have the signer explain how important they were and the impact they have on the U.S. today. If writing as an interview have the interview sum up their importance and impact.
This will be a assignment. Codes will be given out Sept 8 in computer lab room 808.
Watch for:
Fatal flaws -75 for each use (their/there, our/are, etc.)
Contractions -25 for each use (don't, can't, won't, isn't, etc)
Text speak -50 for each use  (i, u, ur, etc. )